LISKI company, after careful analysis, has proposed its own range of fixed sign products, a new, innovative accident prevention material; solid, resistant to low temperatures and cuts; very suitable for printing, maintaining characteristics over time; made of soft material that ensures total safety in case of impact.
Danger triangular signs side 60cm; besides the classic symbols provided by UNI, thanks to digital printing, Its possible to personalize the sign as the customer needs.
Prohibition signs Ø 45cm; besides the classic symbols provided by UNI, thanks to digital printing, Its possible to personalize the sign as the customer needs.
Prohibition signs Ø 45cm; besides the classic symbols provided by UNI, thanks to digital printing, Its possible to personalize the sign as the customer needs.
Information signs 40cm side; besides the classic symbols provided by UNI, thanks to digital printing, Its possible to personalize the sign as the customer needs.
Information signs 50×70 cm side; besides the classic symbols provided by UNI, thanks to digital printing, Its possible to personalize the sign as the customer needs.
Thanks to new technologies and digital printing, signs can be customized at will. In this way it is possible to make slopes more and more unique and exclusive. All types of LISKI signs are customizable
Marking disc for ski-slope Ø 20cm in plastic flexible material for pole Ø 25mm
ALPINE ski slope classification signes Ø 45 cm; NORDIC ski slope 20 x 50 cm
Signs available in different sizes and materials, all personalizable following to customer requirements
Forex panels personalizable; The new sign “Papero” to access children in chair is very appreciated ; measures Width 67cm x Height 137cm
Signs can be fixed on the wall by the holes on the top and on the bottom of the sign, or it’s possible to place directly on the slope or in the affected areas by hooks and support poles.