It is the indication of what is to be encountered and a very important safety feature to prevent what will happen. Thanks to its handling allow you to be able to place them everywhere, moving with great ease, signalling continuous tracks changes during the season: snow – ice – crossings – temporary finish areas – various kinds of dangers – deviations during races, etc.. The use of these windproof fabric panels, allows the programming and people distribution on the slopes. To support the signal panels are used two PVC or PC poles Ø 30 or 35mm, otherwise 2 fiberglass poles which permits to place them without the use of any drill. Mobile sign panels are supplied with buttonholes and rubber bands for pole’s fastening, and are printed digitally in full colour for maximum visibility even with foggy weather.
Signal panels in windproof fabric, size 75×75 cm Color red with yellow/black edge, buttonholed, with fixing bands
Signal panels, size 75×75 cm DIGITAL. Possibility of personalization, buttonholed, with fixing bands; It can be produced also in different size than the standard one.
Signal panels in windproof fabric, size 200×60 cm Color red with yellow/black edge, buttonholed, with fixing bands
Signal panels, size 200×60 cm DIGITAL. Possibility of personalization, buttonholed, with fixing bands;
Available in Fiberglass, PVC or polycarbonate, with different diameters