3 May 2019
LISKI staff in Milan for the Conference on global prevention in Motocross (23rd April 2019)

The 1st FIM technical table on global prevention in motocross and the evolution of passive protection systems of the driver took place in Milan on April 23rd.

Among the various companies, Liski Sport Equipment took part in this important meeting, where the results of the first tests with Liski safety nets installed in the Ottobiano circuit were also announced. On behalf of FIM they were also Ettore Pirisi of the Security Commission and Federal Councilor, Raffaele Prisco Coordinator of the Technical Direction and Federal Councilor, Ivan Bidorini President Co. Re. Lombardia, Carlo Rivellini of the Medical Commission, Andrea Barbieri Off-road Coordinator, Roberto Rustichelli Motocross Junior Coordinator and Attilio Pignotti Supermoto coordinator.

In the picture, Marco Bevacqua (Liski) with Ennio Gaia Maretta (head of the IMF Plant Committee).