Training equipments - KICK WALLS


The latest arrival to the PRO series.

The PRO-FOAM effectively replaces the PROFESSIONAL. It is the top of the range, composed by  5 height-adjustable shaped mounted on 2 internal hinged support poles. Like the other Barriers, it is also very versatile, with the possibility of being used individually for training to improve dribbling, having an obstacle that reflects the situations present in matches. It is made of soft, 8 cm thick shaped foam rubber, but at the same time very resistant, and being totally flexible it is 100% accident-prevention.

Trolley for kick wall allows to use the barrier on synthetic or very hard ground; thanks to the 4 wheels and to the handle can be moved easily with a minimal effort. New single trolley allows to use the barrier also on synthetics or very hard fields; used individually for dribbling trainings, being at ground level and with its accident-prevention geometry, allows the player to pass very close the shapes. Used as support trolley for kicks, the barrier get back into position after the impact, thanks to its anti-tipping conformation. Trolley is equipped with a rope for easy transport and for dragging while working; all with minimal effort.

Standard color yellow – available in other colors and customizable on request.

  • » CODE 32005 CODE 32005
    Hinged kick wall PRO-FOAM Professional - N° 5 shapes - adjustable (180-195cm) - yellow
  • » CODE 32005/5 CODE 32005/5
    Hinged single shape PRO-FOAM Professional - adjustable (175-195cm) - yellow
  • » CODE 32051 CODE 32051
    Complete kick wall trolley
  • » CODE 32052 CODE 32052
    Single flat support base for kick wall shape - PATENTED
  • » CODE 32054 CODE 32054
    Heavy rubber base for single shape with rope for dragging. Weight 11 kg
  • » CODE 32080 CODE 32080
    PVC bag for kick wall, with zip and handle